The run_MANTEL
function is used to identify the association between
the community and environmental variables.
level = c(NULL, "Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class",
"Order", "Family", "Genus",
"Species", "Strain", "unique"),
z_variables = NULL,
norm = c(TRUE, FALSE),
method = c("mantel", "mantel.partial", "mantel.randtest", "mantel.rtest"),
method_cor = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"),
method_dist = c("bray", "euclidean", "jaccard"),
seedNum = 123,
alpha = 0.5)
(Required). a phyloseq::phyloseq
(Optional). character. Summarization
level (from rank_names(pseq)
, default: NULL).
(Required). vector. variables for a control matrix Y.
(Optional). vector. variables for a control matrix Z (default: NULL).
(Optional). logical. whether to norm y and z matrix into unit by
(default: TRUE).
(Required). character. Mantel test method, "mantel" or "mantel.partial" or "mantel.randtest", "mantel.rtest" (default: "mantel").
(Optional). character. Correlation method, as accepted by cor: "pearson", "spearman" or "kendall" (default: "spearman").
(Required). character. methods for three(X, Y, Z matrix)
distance matrices. Provide one of the currently supported
options. See distanceMethodList
for a detailed list of the supported options
and links to accompanying documentation. Options include:
"unifrac" : unweighted UniFrac distance.
"wunifrac": weighted-UniFrac distance.
"GUniFrac": The variance-adjusted weighted UniFrac distances (default: alpha=0.5).
"bray": bray crutis distance.
"dpcoa": sample-wise distance used in Double Principle Coordinate Analysis.
"jsd": Jensen-Shannon Divergence.
Alternatively, you can provide a character string that defines a custom
distance method, if it has the form described in designdist
(default: c("bray", "euclidean", "jaccard")).
(Optional). numeric. specify seeds for reproduction (default: 123).
(Optional). numeric. the parameter for "GUniFrac" controlling weight on abundant lineages (default: 0.5).
A Mantel test model.
The run_MANTEL
function is used to test the correlation between two
distance matrices, calculating the Z statistic between community distance
and variables distance to determine the significance. While the Mantel test
is used to compare between two distance (dissimilarity) matrices, such as
X and Y, the partial Mantel test is used to estimate the correlation
between these two matrices, while controlling for the effect of
a control matrix Z. It can be applied to both
and SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment
Mantel, Nathan. "The detection of disease clustering and a generalized regression approach." Cancer research 27.2 Part 1 (1967): 209-220.
if (FALSE) {
# phyloseq object
y_variables = c("LiverFatClass", "Liver_fat"),
z_variables = c("Gender", "Age"),
norm = FALSE,
method = "mantel.partial",
method_dist = c("bray", "euclidean", "jaccard"))
# SummarizedExperiment object
y_variables = c("LiverFatClass", "Liver_fat"),
z_variables = c("Gender", "Age"),
norm = FALSE,
method = "mantel.partial",
method_dist = c("bray", "euclidean", "jaccard"))